Erasmus+ mobility for incoming teachers 2024/2025
A program részletei
Erasmus+ offers the opportunity for higher education institutions to send students and staff abroad (in other Programme countries or other Partner countries) to study, teach, or train at participating institutions, as well as to participate in a traineeship.
They can also host incoming students and staff from abroad.
For more information about the Erasmus+ program at Óbuda University, please visit our website:
- for outgoing students:
- for outgoing teachers and staff:
- for incoming students, teachers and staff:
A pályázati felhívás részletei
Erasmus+ incoming teaching mobility application is open!
Information about teaching mobility:
Erasmus+ supports teaching period at a partner higher education institution abroad. We are glad to host teachers from our Partner Universities.
Through teaching abroad, scholars can gain a broader perspective on education, exchange knowledge with their colleagues in another country and pick up good educational practices. The Erasmus+ mobility programmes lead to acquiring knowledge or specific know-how from the experiences and good practices abroad, as well as practical skills relevant for the professional development.
A teaching period must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 5 days (it depends on the financing possibilities). During your stay abroad, the teaching activity must comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) of actual teaching time.
EU grants provide a contribution to your costs for travel and subsistence during your time abroad.